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seen around blogdom #1

This stuff is too good to hog to myself.

The Irish Calvinist shares a needed reminder—I Need a Fresh Swig of the Gospel Tonic.    

If you have small children or remember their scampering around in diapers, this girls post will make you laugh—(Ab)Use of Power. 

Speaking of children, my friend Dr. George Grant has written a timely piece in relation to Sanctity of Life Sunday—Childermas, or the Feast of the Innocents. 

An invitation here for those who haven’t been over to the new blog (Awakening) which is still in it’s beginning stages.  My brother John and I dialogue about theology, the gospel, and whatever else might be running around in our heads (scary thought I know).  Stop by and see my post—Lifestyle Evangelism is Overrated.  

For those of you who have any interest in beer and the health benefits associated with beer drinking (don’t laugh), check out the Legends of Beer blog—12 Most common beer myths exploded. 

I don’t want to leave anyone out.  Since there are a few of us who can get heady, I have included this from Ian on his blog Grace and Gravitas—What They Call Rights, We Call Gifts. 

And finally, Michael Spencer (aka imonk) has hit yet another monster home run (a must read no question)—Advent With Ted the Loser.

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